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Class LCG


A linear congruential random number generator.


Uses D.H. Lehmer's Linear Congruential Method (1949) for generating random numbers. Supports both Multiplicative Congruential Method (increment==0) and Mixed Congruential Method (increment!=0) It is perhaps the simplest and fastest method to generate pseudo-random numbers on a computer. Per default uses the values for Minimal Standard LCG.



Member Reference

LCGA linear congruential random number generator.
ctor (+1 overload)Initializes the generator from the current system clock.
Seed(...)Reinitializes the generator to the new settings.
Int()Returns a random integer picked uniformly in the range [0, MaxInt()].
MaxInt()[const]Returns the biggest number the generator can yield. (Which is always modulus-1)
IntFast()Returns a random integer picked uniformly in the range [0, 2^32-1].
Int(a,b)Returns a random integer picked uniformly in the range [a, b].
Float()Returns a random float picked uniformly in the range [0, 1[.
Float01Incl()Returns a random float picked uniformly in the range [0, 1].
FloatNeg1_1()Returns a random float picked uniformly in the range ]-1, 1[.
Float(a,b)Returns a random float picked uniformly in the range [a, b[.
FloatIncl(a,b)Returns a random float picked uniformly in the range [a, b].
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