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Common mathematical functions.

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MathFunc.hCommon mathematical functions.
#define DOT2Computes the dot product of two 2D vectors, the elements are accessed using array notation.
#define DOT3Computes the dot product of two 3D vectors, the elements are accessed using array notation.
#define ABSDOT3Computes the dot product of two 3D vectors, but takes the absolute value of each element before summation.
#define DOT3_xyzComputes the dot product of a float3 and another vector given by three floats.
#define DOT3STRIDEDComputes the dot product of two 3D vectors, but with the elements of the second vector being scattered noncontiguous in memory.
#define DOT4Computes the dot product of two 4D vectors, the elements are accessed using array notation.
#define DOT4STRIDEDComputes the dot product of two 4D vectors, but with the elements of the second vector being scattered noncontiguous in memory.
#define DOT4POSComputes the dot product of a 4D vector and a 3D position vector (w == 1).
#define DOT4POS_xyzComputes the dot product of a 4D vector and a position vector (x,y,z,1).
#define DOT4DIRComputes the dot product of a 4D vector and a direction vector (x,y,z,0).
#define DOT4DIR_xyzComputes the dot product of a 4D vector and a direction vector (x,y,z,0).
DegToRad(degrees) (+1 overload)Converts the given amount of degrees into radians.
RadToDeg(radians) (+1 overload)Converts the given amount of radians into degrees.
Sin(angleRadians)Computes the function sin(x).
Cos(angleRadians)Computes the function cos(x).
Tan(angleRadians)Computes the function tan(x).
SinCos(...)Simultaneously computes both sin(x) and cos(x), which yields a small performance increase over to computing them separately.
SinCos2(...)Computes sin and cos of the .x and .y components of angleRadians, stored to the corresponding components of outSin and outCos.
SinCos3(...)Computes sin and cos of the .x, .y and .z components of angleRadians, stored to the corresponding components of outSin and outCos.
SinCos4(...)Computes sin and cos of the four components of angleRadians, stored to the corresponding components of outSin and outCos.
Asin(x)Computes the function arcsin(x), in radians.
Acos(x)Computes the function arccos(x), in radians.
Atan(x)Computes the function arctan(x), in radians.
Atan2(y,x)Computes the signed (principal value) arc-tangent of y/x, in radians.
Sinh(x)Computes the hyperbolic sine of x.
Cosh(x)Computes the hyperbolic cosine of x.
Tanh(x)Computes the hyperbolic tangent of x.
IsPow2(number) (+3 overloads)Returns true if the given number is a power of 2.
RoundUpPow2(number) (+3 overloads)Returns the smallest power-of-2 number (1,2,4,8,16,32,...) greater or equal than the given number.
RoundDownPow2(number) (+3 overloads)Returns the largest power-of-2 number (1,2,4,8,16,32,...) smaller or equal than the given number.
RoundIntUpToMultipleOfPow2(x,n) (+1 overload)Returns the given number rounded up to the next multiple of n.
PowInt(base,exponent)Raises the given base to an integral exponent.
Pow(base,exponent)Raises the given base to a float exponent.
Exp(exponent)Returns e (the constant 2.71828...) raised to the given power.
Log(base,value)Computes a logarithm of the given value in the specified base.
Log2(value)Computes a logarithm in base-2.
Ln(value)Computes a logarithm in the natural base (using e=2.71828... as the base)
Log10(value)Computes a logarithm in base-10.
Ceil(f)Returns f rounded up to the next integer, as float.
CeilInt(f)Returns f rounded up to the next integer, as integer.
Floor(f)Returns f rounded down to the previous integer, as float.
FloorInt(f)Returns f rounded down to the previous integer, as integer.
Round(f)Returns f rounded to the nearest integer, as float.
RoundInt(f)Returns f rounded to the nearest integer, as integer.
Sign(f)Returns -1 or 1 depending on the sign of f.
SignOrZero(f,epsilon)Returns 0 if f is zero up to the given epsilon. Otherwise returns -1 or 1 depending on the sign of f.
Lerp(a,b,t)Linearly interpolates between a and b.
LerpMod(a,b,mod,t)Linearly interpolates from a to b, under the modulus mod.
InvLerp(a,b,x)Computes the lerp factor a and b have to be Lerp()ed to get x.
PingPongMod(x,mod)Limits x to the range [0, mod], but instead of wrapping around from mod to 0, the result will move back from mod to 0 as x goes from mod to 2*mod.
Mod(x,mod) (+1 overload)Computes a floating-point modulus.
ModPos(x,mod) (+1 overload)Computes a floating-point modulus, but restricts the output to the range [0, mod[.
Frac(x)Returns the fractional part of x.
Sqrt(x)Returns the square root of x.
SqrtFast(x)Computes a fast approximation of the square root of x.
RSqrt(x)Returns 1/Sqrt(x). (The reciprocal of the square root of x)
RSqrtFast(x)SSE implementation of reciprocal square root.
Recip(x)Returns 1/x, the reciprocal of x.
RecipFast(x)Returns 1/x, the reciprocal of x, using a fast approximation (SSE rcp instruction).
Factorial(n)Calculates n! at runtime. Use class FactorialT<N> to evaluate factorials at compile-time.
CombinatorialRec(n,k)Calculates (N nCr K) at runtime with recursion, running time is exponential to n.
CombinatorialTab(n,k)Calculates (N nCr K) at runtime, running time is proportional to n*k.
Clamp(val,floor,ceil)Clamps the given input value to the range [min, max].
Clamp01(val)Clamps the given input value to the range [0, 1].
Min(a,b)Computes the smaller of two values.
Max(a,b) (+1 overload)Computes the larger of two values.
Min(a,b,c) (+1 overload)Computes the smallest of three values.
Max(a,b,c)Computes the largest of three values.
Min(a,b,c,d)Computes the smallest of four values.
Max(a,b,c,d)Computes the largest of four values.
Swap(a,b)Swaps the two values.
GreaterThan(a,b)Returns true if a > b.
LessThan(a,b)Returns true if a < b.
Abs(a) (+1 overload)Returns the absolute value of a.
Equal(a,b) (+3 overloads)Returns true if a and b are equal, using operator ==().
EqualAbs(a,b,epsilon)Compares the two values for equality, allowing the given amount of absolute error.
RelativeError(a,b)Computes the relative error of the two variables.
EqualRel(a,b,maxRelError)Compares the two values for equality, allowing the given amount of relative error.
EqualUlps(a,b,maxUlps)Compares two floats interpreted as integers, see Warning: This comparison is not safe with NANs or INFs.
IsFinite()Returns true if the given value is not an inf or a nan.
IsFinite< float >(f)
IsFinite< double >(d)
IsNan(f) (+1 overload)Returns true if the given value is a not-a-number.
IsInf(f) (+1 overload)Returns true if the given value is +inf or -inf.
IsFinite< long double >(value)
SerializeFloat(f,dstStr)Serializes a float to a string.
DeserializeFloat(str,outEndStr)Deserializes a float from the given string.
DeserializeDouble(str,outEndStr)Deserializes a double from the given string.
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