Back to class index x | y | zero[static][const] | one[static][const] | unitX[static][const] | unitY[static][const] | nan[static][const] | inf[static][const] | ctor (+3 overloads) | ptr() (+1 overload) | operator[](index) (+1 overload) | At(index) (+1 overload) | operators +,-,*,/(v)[const] (+1 overload) | operators +=,-=,*=,/=(v) | Add/Sub/Mul/Div(v)[const] (+1 overload) | xx/xy/yx/yy()[const] | Swizzled(i,j,k,l)[const] (+2 overloads) | SetFromScalar(scalar) | Set(x,y) | SetFromPolarCoordinates(theta,length) (+1 overload) | ToPolarCoordinates()[const] | AimedAngle()[const] | Length()[const] | LengthSq()[const] | Normalize() | Normalized()[const] | ScaleToLength(newLength) | ScaledToLength(newLength)[const] | IsNormalized(epsilonSq)[const] | IsZero(epsilonSq)[const] | IsFinite()[const] | IsPerpendicular(other,epsilonSq)[const] | Equals(other,epsilon)[const] (+1 overload) | BitEquals(other)[const] | ToString()[const] | SerializeToString()[const] | SerializeToCodeString()[const] | SumOfElements()[const] | ProductOfElements()[const] | AverageOfElements()[const] | MinElement()[const] | MinElementIndex()[const] | MaxElement()[const] | MaxElementIndex()[const] | Abs()[const] | Neg()[const] | Recip()[const] | Min(ceil)[const] (+1 overload) | Max(floor)[const] (+1 overload) | Clamp(floor,ceil)[const] (+1 overload) | Clamp01()[const] | Distance(point)[const] | DistanceSq(point)[const] | Dot(v)[const] | Perp()[const] | PerpDot(rhs)[const] | Rotate90CW() | Rotated90CW()[const] | Rotate90CCW() | Rotated90CCW()[const] | Reflect(normal)[const] | Refract(...)[const] | ProjectTo(direction)[const] | ProjectToNorm(direction)[const] | AngleBetween(other)[const] | AngleBetweenNorm(normalizedVector)[const] | Decompose(...)[const] | Lerp(b,t)[const] | FromScalar(scalar)[static] | FromPolarCoordinates(theta,length)[static] (+1 overload) | FromString(str,outEndStr)[static] (+1 overload) | Lerp(a,b,t)[static] | Orthogonalize(a,b)[static] | AreOrthogonal(a,b,epsilon)[static] | Orthonormalize(a,b)[static] | OrientedCCW(a,b,c)[static] | ConvexHull(...)[static] | ConvexHullInPlace(...)[static] | ConvexHullContains(...)[static] | MinAreaRectInPlace(...)[static] | RandomDir(lcg,length)[static] | RandomBox(...)[static] |
| float2::ScaleToLengthSyntaxfloat float2::ScaleToLength(float newLength); [12 lines of code]Scales this vector so that its new length is as given. Calling this function is effectively the same as normalizing the vector first and then multiplying by newLength. In the case of failure, this vector is set to (newLength, 0), so calling this function will never result in an unnormalized vector. Note This function operates in-place. Return ValueThe old length of this vector. If this function returns 0, the scaling failed, and this vector is arbitrarily reset to (newLength, 0). In case of failure, no error message is generated. You are expected to handle the failure yourself. See Also ScaledToLength(). |