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Class Ray


A ray in 3D space is a line that starts from an origin point and extends to infinity in one direction.

Member Reference

RayA ray in 3D space is a line that starts from an origin point and extends to infinity in one direction.
posSpecifies the origin of this ray.
dirThe normalized direction vector of this ray.
ctor (+3 overloads)The default constructor does not initialize any members of this class.
GetPoint(distance)[const]Gets a point along the ray at the given distance.
Translate(offset)Translates this Ray in world space.
Transform(transform) (+3 overloads)Applies a transformation to this Ray, in-place.
Contains(...)[const] (+1 overload)Tests if the given object is fully contained on this ray.
Equals(otherRay,epsilon)[const]Tests if two rays are equal.
BitEquals(other)[const]Compares whether this Ray and the given Ray are identical bit-by-bit in the underlying representation.
Distance(point)[const] (+12 overloads)Computes the distance between this ray and the given object.
ClosestPoint(targetPoint)[const] (+10 overloads)Computes the closest point on this ray to the given object.
Intersects(...)[const] (+13 overloads)Tests whether this ray and the given object intersect.
IntersectsDisc(disc)[const]Tests if this ray intersects the given disc.
ToLine()[const]Converts this Ray to a Line.
ToLineSegment(d)[const]Converts this Ray to a LineSegment.
ProjectToAxis(...)[const]Projects this Ray onto the given 1D axis direction vector.
ToLineSegment(dStart,dEnd)[const]Converts this Ray to a LineSegment.
ToString()[const]Returns a human-readable representation of this Ray.
SerializeToCodeString()[const]Returns a string of C++ code that can be used to construct this object. Useful for generating test cases from badly behaving objects.
FromString(str,outEndStr)[static] (+1 overload)
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