Back to class index x | y | z | zero[static][const] | one[static][const] | unitX[static][const] | unitY[static][const] | unitZ[static][const] | nan[static][const] | inf[static][const] | ctor (+4 overloads) | ptr() (+1 overload) | operator[](index) (+1 overload) | At(index) (+1 overload) | operators +,-,*,/(v)[const] (+1 overload) | operators +=,-=,*=,/=(v) | Add/Sub/Mul/Div(v)[const] (+1 overload) | xx/xy/xz/..()[const] | xyz/xzy/yzx/..()[const] | Swizzled(i,j,k,l)[const] (+2 overloads) | SetFromScalar(scalar) | Set(x,y,z) | SetFromSphericalCoordinates(...) (+2 overloads) | ToPos4()[const] | ToDir4()[const] | ToSphericalCoordinates()[const] | ToSphericalCoordinatesNormalized()[const] | Length()[const] | LengthSq()[const] | Normalize() | Normalized()[const] | ScaleToLength(newLength) | ScaledToLength(newLength)[const] | IsNormalized(epsilonSq)[const] | IsZero(epsilonSq)[const] | IsFinite()[const] | IsPerpendicular(other,epsilonSq)[const] | Equals(other,epsilon)[const] (+1 overload) | BitEquals(other)[const] | ToString()[const] | SerializeToString()[const] | SerializeToCodeString()[const] | SumOfElements()[const] | ProductOfElements()[const] | AverageOfElements()[const] | MinElement()[const] | MinElementIndex()[const] | MaxElement()[const] | MaxElementIndex()[const] | Abs()[const] | Neg()[const] | Recip()[const] | Min(ceil)[const] (+1 overload) | Max(floor)[const] (+1 overload) | Clamp(floor,ceil)[const] (+1 overload) | Clamp01()[const] | ClampLength(maxLength)[const] (+1 overload) | Distance(point)[const] (+9 overloads) | DistanceSq(point)[const] | Dot(v)[const] | Cross(v)[const] | OuterProduct(rhs)[const] | Perpendicular(hint,hint2)[const] | AnotherPerpendicular(hint,hint2)[const] | PerpendicularBasis(outB,outC)[const] | RandomPerpendicular(rng)[const] | Reflect(normal)[const] | Refract(...)[const] | ProjectTo(direction)[const] | ProjectToNorm(direction)[const] | AngleBetween(other)[const] | AngleBetweenNorm(normalizedVector)[const] | Decompose(...)[const] | Lerp(b,t)[const] | FromScalar(scalar)[static] | FromSphericalCoordinates(...)[static] (+2 overloads) | AreCollinear(p1,p2,p3,epsilonSq)[static] | FromString(str,outEndStr)[static] (+1 overload) | ScalarTripleProduct(u,v,w)[static] | Lerp(a,b,t)[static] | Orthogonalize(a,b)[static] (+1 overload) | AreOrthogonal(a,b,epsilon)[static] (+1 overload) | Orthonormalize(a,b)[static] (+1 overload) | AreOrthonormal(a,b,epsilon)[static] (+1 overload) | RandomDir(lcg,length)[static] | RandomSphere(lcg,center,radius)[static] | RandomBox(...)[static] (+2 overloads) | RandomGeneral(...)[static] |
| float3::ToSphericalCoordinatesNormalizedSyntaxfloat2 float3::ToSphericalCoordinatesNormalized() const; [7 lines of code]Converts this normalized euclidean (x,y,z) [float3] to spherical coordinates representation in the form (azimuth, inclination) Note This function requires that this float3 is normalized. This function is identical to ToSphericalCoordinates, but is slightly faster in the case this vector is known to be normalized in advance. This corresponsds to the matrix operation R_y * R_x * (0,0,radius), where R_y is a rotation about the y-axis by azimuth, and R_x is a rotation about the x-axis by inclination. See Also ToSphericalCoordinates, FromSphericalCoordinates, SetFromSphericalCoordinates. |