Back to class index x | y | z | zero[static][const] | one[static][const] | unitX[static][const] | unitY[static][const] | unitZ[static][const] | nan[static][const] | inf[static][const] | ctor (+4 overloads) | ptr() (+1 overload) | operator[](index) (+1 overload) | At(index) (+1 overload) | operators +,-,*,/(v)[const] (+1 overload) | operators +=,-=,*=,/=(v) | Add/Sub/Mul/Div(v)[const] (+1 overload) | xx/xy/xz/..()[const] | xyz/xzy/yzx/..()[const] | Swizzled(i,j,k,l)[const] (+2 overloads) | SetFromScalar(scalar) | Set(x,y,z) | SetFromSphericalCoordinates(...) (+2 overloads) | ToPos4()[const] | ToDir4()[const] | ToSphericalCoordinates()[const] | ToSphericalCoordinatesNormalized()[const] | Length()[const] | LengthSq()[const] | Normalize() | Normalized()[const] | ScaleToLength(newLength) | ScaledToLength(newLength)[const] | IsNormalized(epsilonSq)[const] | IsZero(epsilonSq)[const] | IsFinite()[const] | IsPerpendicular(other,epsilonSq)[const] | Equals(other,epsilon)[const] (+1 overload) | BitEquals(other)[const] | ToString()[const] | SerializeToString()[const] | SerializeToCodeString()[const] | SumOfElements()[const] | ProductOfElements()[const] | AverageOfElements()[const] | MinElement()[const] | MinElementIndex()[const] | MaxElement()[const] | MaxElementIndex()[const] | Abs()[const] | Neg()[const] | Recip()[const] | Min(ceil)[const] (+1 overload) | Max(floor)[const] (+1 overload) | Clamp(floor,ceil)[const] (+1 overload) | Clamp01()[const] | ClampLength(maxLength)[const] (+1 overload) | Distance(point)[const] (+9 overloads) | DistanceSq(point)[const] | Dot(v)[const] | Cross(v)[const] | OuterProduct(rhs)[const] | Perpendicular(hint,hint2)[const] | AnotherPerpendicular(hint,hint2)[const] | PerpendicularBasis(outB,outC)[const] | RandomPerpendicular(rng)[const] | Reflect(normal)[const] | Refract(...)[const] | ProjectTo(direction)[const] | ProjectToNorm(direction)[const] | AngleBetween(other)[const] | AngleBetweenNorm(normalizedVector)[const] | Decompose(...)[const] | Lerp(b,t)[const] | FromScalar(scalar)[static] | FromSphericalCoordinates(...)[static] (+2 overloads) | AreCollinear(p1,p2,p3,epsilonSq)[static] | FromString(str,outEndStr)[static] (+1 overload) | ScalarTripleProduct(u,v,w)[static] | Lerp(a,b,t)[static] | Orthogonalize(a,b)[static] (+1 overload) | AreOrthogonal(a,b,epsilon)[static] (+1 overload) | Orthonormalize(a,b)[static] (+1 overload) | AreOrthonormal(a,b,epsilon)[static] (+1 overload) | RandomDir(lcg,length)[static] | RandomSphere(lcg,center,radius)[static] | RandomBox(...)[static] (+2 overloads) | RandomGeneral(...)[static] |
| float3::ptrSyntaxfloat * float3::ptr(); [1 line of code] const float * float3::ptr() const; [1 lines of code]Casts this [float3] to a C array. This function does not allocate new memory or make a copy of this [float3]. This function simply returns a C pointer view to this data structure. Use [ptr()][0] to access the x component of this [float3], [ptr()][1] to access y, and [ptr()][2] to access the z component of this [float3]. Note Since the returned pointer points to this class, do not dereference the pointer after this float3 has been deleted. You should never store a copy of the returned pointer. This function is provided for compatibility with other APIs which require raw C pointer access to vectors. Avoid using this function in general, and instead always use the operator [] or the At() function to access the elements of this vector by index. Return ValueA pointer to the first float element of this class. The data is contiguous in memory. See Also operator [](), At(). |