A 3D sphere.
Sphere | A 3D sphere. |
pos | The center point of this sphere. |
r | The radius of this sphere. |
ctor (+4 overloads) | The default constructor does not initialize any members of this class. |
Translate(offset) | Translates this Sphere in world space. |
Transform(transform) (+3 overloads) | Applies a transformation to this Sphere, in-place. |
MinimalEnclosingAABB()[const] | Returns the smallest AABB that encloses this sphere. |
MaximalContainedAABB()[const] | Returns the largest AABB that fits inside this sphere. |
SetNegativeInfinity() | Sets pos = (0,0,0) and r = -inf. |
Volume()[const] | Computes the volume of this sphere. |
SurfaceArea()[const] | Computes the surface area of this sphere. |
Diameter()[const] | Computes the diameter of this sphere. |
Centroid()[const] | Returns the center of mass of this sphere. |
AnyPointFast()[const] | Quickly returns an arbitrary point inside this Sphere. Used in GJK intersection test. |
ExtremePoint(direction)[const] (+1 overload) | Computes the extreme point of this Sphere in the given direction. |
ProjectToAxis(...)[const] | Projects this Sphere onto the given 1D axis direction vector. |
IsFinite()[const] | Tests if this Sphere is finite. |
IsDegenerate()[const] | Returns true if this Sphere is degenerate. |
SetDegenerate() | Resets the members of this Sphere to NaN values. |
Contains(point)[const] (+11 overloads) | Tests if the given object is fully contained inside this sphere. |
Distance(point)[const] (+9 overloads) | Returns the distance between this sphere and the given object. |
MaxDistance(point)[const] | Returns the maximal distance of this sphere to the given point. |
ClosestPoint(point)[const] | Computes the closest point on this sphere to the given object. |
Intersects(...)[const] (+11 overloads) | Tests whether this sphere and the given object intersect. |
Enclose(point,epsilon) (+10 overloads) | Expands this sphere to enclose both the original sphere and the given object. |
ExtendRadiusToContain(point,epsilon) (+1 overload) | Expands the radius of this Sphere until it encloses the given object. |
RandomPointInside(lcg) | Generates a random point inside this sphere. |
RandomPointOnSurface(lcg) | Generates a random point on the surface of this sphere. |
Triangulate(...)[const] | Produces a geosphere-triangulation of this sphere. |
ToString()[const] | Returns a human-readable representation of this Sphere. Most useful for debugging purposes. |
SerializeToString()[const] | |
SerializeToCodeString()[const] | Returns a string of C++ code that can be used to construct this object. Useful for generating test cases from badly behaving objects. |
Equals(rhs,epsilon)[const] | |
BitEquals(other)[const] | Compares whether this Sphere and the given Sphere are identical bit-by-bit in the underlying representation. |
FastEnclosingSphere(...)[static] | Computes a Sphere that bounds the given point array. |
OptimalEnclosingSphere(...)[static] (+4 overloads) | Computes the minimal bounding sphere for the given point array. |
FitThroughPoints(a,b)[static] (+2 overloads) | Fits a sphere through the given two points. |
RandomPointInside(lcg,center,radius)[static] | |
RandomPointOnSurface(lcg,center,radius)[static] | |
RandomUnitaryFloat3(lcg)[static] | Returns a random normalized direction vector. |
IntersectLine(...)[static] | Computes the intersection of a line and a sphere. |
FromString(str,outEndStr)[static] (+1 overload) |