Back to class index a | b | c | ctor (+1 overload) | Translate(offset) | Transform(transform) (+3 overloads) | BarycentricUVW(point)[const] | BarycentricUV(point)[const] | Point(uvw)[const] (+3 overloads) | Centroid()[const] | CenterPoint()[const] | Area()[const] | Perimeter()[const] | VertexArrayPtr() (+1 overload) | Vertex(i)[const] | CornerPoint(i)[const] | Edge(i)[const] | PlaneCCW()[const] | PlaneCW()[const] | NormalCCW()[const] | NormalCW()[const] | UnnormalizedNormalCCW()[const] | UnnormalizedNormalCW()[const] | AnyPointFast()[const] | ExtremePoint(direction)[const] (+1 overload) | ToPolygon()[const] | ToPolyhedron()[const] | BoundingAABB()[const] | IsFinite()[const] | IsDegenerate(epsilon)[const] | Contains(...)[const] (+2 overloads) | Distance(point)[const] (+2 overloads) | DistanceSq(point)[const] | Intersects(...)[const] (+12 overloads) | ProjectToAxis(axis,dMin,dMax)[const] | UniqueFaceNormals(out)[const] | UniqueEdgeDirections(out)[const] | ClosestPoint(point)[const] (+3 overloads) | ClosestPointToTriangleEdge(...)[const] (+1 overload) | RandomPointInside(rng)[const] | RandomVertex(rng)[const] | RandomPointOnEdge(rng)[const] | ToString()[const] | SerializeToString()[const] | SerializeToCodeString()[const] | Equals(rhs,epsilon)[const] | BitEquals(other)[const] | NumFaces()[static] | NumEdges()[static] | NumVertices()[static] | BarycentricInsideTriangle(uvw)[static] | Area2D(p1,p2,p3)[static] | SignedArea(point,a,b,c)[static] | IsDegenerate(p1,p2,p3,epsilon)[static] | IntersectLineTri(...)[static] | FromString(str,outEndStr)[static] (+1 overload) |
| Triangle::PlaneCCWSyntaxPlane Triangle::PlaneCCW() const; [4 lines of code]Returns the counterclockwise-oriented plane this triangle lies on. The normal of the returned plane points towards the halfspace in which the vertices of this triangle are winded in counter-clockwise direction. SyntaxPlane Triangle::PlaneCW() const; [4 lines of code]Returns the clockwise-oriented plane this triangle lies on. The normal of the returned plane points towards the halfspace in which the vertices of this triangle are winded in clockwise direction. See Also NormalCCW(), NormalCW(), UnnormalizedNormalCCW(), UnnormalizedNormalCW(). |