Back to class index a | b | c | ctor (+1 overload) | Translate(offset) | Transform(transform) (+3 overloads) | BarycentricUVW(point)[const] | BarycentricUV(point)[const] | Point(uvw)[const] (+3 overloads) | Centroid()[const] | CenterPoint()[const] | Area()[const] | Perimeter()[const] | VertexArrayPtr() (+1 overload) | Vertex(i)[const] | CornerPoint(i)[const] | Edge(i)[const] | PlaneCCW()[const] | PlaneCW()[const] | NormalCCW()[const] | NormalCW()[const] | UnnormalizedNormalCCW()[const] | UnnormalizedNormalCW()[const] | AnyPointFast()[const] | ExtremePoint(direction)[const] (+1 overload) | ToPolygon()[const] | ToPolyhedron()[const] | BoundingAABB()[const] | IsFinite()[const] | IsDegenerate(epsilon)[const] | Contains(...)[const] (+2 overloads) | Distance(point)[const] (+2 overloads) | DistanceSq(point)[const] | Intersects(...)[const] (+12 overloads) | ProjectToAxis(axis,dMin,dMax)[const] | UniqueFaceNormals(out)[const] | UniqueEdgeDirections(out)[const] | ClosestPoint(point)[const] (+3 overloads) | ClosestPointToTriangleEdge(...)[const] (+1 overload) | RandomPointInside(rng)[const] | RandomVertex(rng)[const] | RandomPointOnEdge(rng)[const] | ToString()[const] | SerializeToString()[const] | SerializeToCodeString()[const] | Equals(rhs,epsilon)[const] | BitEquals(other)[const] | NumFaces()[static] | NumEdges()[static] | NumVertices()[static] | BarycentricInsideTriangle(uvw)[static] | Area2D(p1,p2,p3)[static] | SignedArea(point,a,b,c)[static] | IsDegenerate(p1,p2,p3,epsilon)[static] | IntersectLineTri(...)[static] | FromString(str,outEndStr)[static] (+1 overload) |
| Triangle::UnnormalizedNormalCCWSyntaxfloat4 Triangle::UnnormalizedNormalCCW() const; [4 lines of code]Computes an unnormalized counter-clockwise oriented triangle normal vector. Syntaxfloat4 Triangle::UnnormalizedNormalCW() const; [4 lines of code]Computes an unnormalized clockwise-oriented triangle normal vector. These functions are equivalent to [NormalCCW()] and [NormalCW()], except these functions do not produce a unit-length triangle normal vectors. Use these functions instead of NormalCCW/CW() to obtain a small speed benefit in cases where the normalization step is not required. See Also PlaneCCW(), PlaneCW(), NormalCCW(), NormalCW(). |